Welcome to the Family Guy Sex Porn category, the place to find all the hottest Family Guy sex action! Here you can find everything from basic family guy sex scenes and explicit family guy porn to kinky family guy sex toys and roleplay. Find all your favorite Family Guy characters starring in adult porn fantasies that are sure to satisfy every keen fan of the show.
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Once upon a time there was a family of two, Peter and Lois Griffin, living in the town of Quahog. They were a close and loving family, but like most couples, had their ups and downs. One day, while Peter and Lois were talking about their day, they found that they were both feeling a bit naughty and decided to try something a bit unusual.

Lois suggested that they watch a bit of family guy sex porn to add a bit of spice to their night. Peter was immediately turned on by the idea and the two ran off to the living room to watch the suggestive videos.
At first they just laughed and joked about the ridiculousness of some of the scenes, but before long, both of them became rather aroused and began to act on their feelings. Peter grabbed Lois and started kissing her passionately as he pushed up her skirt and started exploring her body. Lois moaned with pleasure as he caressed her, feeling both naughty and excited.
The two of them could not get enough and continued to watch the family guy sex porn as they explored each other in more intimate ways. As they continued to make love, Peter grabbed Lois even tighter as they both reached the ultimate pleasure.
After a while, the two of them spent the rest of the night snuggling in each other’s arms, thankful for the opportunity family guy sex porn had provided them. From then on, the two of them included a bit of naughty family guy sex porn in their lives every now and then, and it became one of their favorite things to do together.